Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Or at least I was this morning, to kick it up a notch so as to meet my work out goal for the year. I'm at 90 hours and some change, which means I have 35 hours to go. Seems impossible right? Probably is. I had just decided that my best bet would probably be to get outside and do lots of walking. Not a problem since we live a few blocks from a lovely seaside walking path. Elijah loves to ride his bike, Sophia loves her stroller and I love walking. Also, it's a really good workout to keep up with an exuberant five year old on his bike. I swear, if I had a jogging stroller I could easily jog behind him to keep up. But alas, I do not. So I keep it to a fast walk, periodically yelling from far behind for him to slow down and wait!

So yeah, that was all part of the plan. Until I woke up and looked out the window. To my dismay it was rainy, dreary and downright dismal. They don't call it New England for nothing! So Jillian Michaels it is for today, then maybe some yoga.

Maybe I'll hit the pavement tomorrow...