I'm sorry!
Someone asked my mom recently when my third book was going to come out and she responded by telling them how much we have going on lately with the move and all that. They said, "That's okay, I know she's got it all in her head." Which is so true. It's there. I just need to find the time to type it all out and edit and such. Sometimes I wonder if the reason why it's taking me so long is because I'm not ready for it to be over. I've toyed with the idea of extending the series, or writing another trilogy with Kit, Jason, and Alexa. But right now I'm just not sure. The thought of saying goodbye to them already does make me sad. I mean, I've been writing The Halcyon Legacy since 2010, maybe I'm not ready to be done yet. And therein lies the good part of self-publishing: I can do whatever I want! If I want to write twenty books about Kit Hawthorn, I can. Well, if I can find the time that is.
I promise it will be out as soon as I can manage. For now I'm setting my sights on either late Winter or early Spring of next year. Truth be told, I got the first two out pretty quickly. London Escape came out June 2012, and Finding Sanctuary came out February 2013.
As far as success, I can't say that they've sold as much as I've hoped, but that's self-publishing for you. But they're out there, and that's more than I can ask for. Total sales for London Escape are at right around 3,600. Finding Sanctuary has a lot of catching up to do at 520. (And yes, a good majority of those were free promos, but you all know how I feel about that.) Reviews still continue to come it. LE is at 22 on amazon (all four and five star.) FS is at 10. So if you've read them and haven't reviewed...what are you waiting for? Just kidding.