I've lived in Connecticut for not quite four years now, in fact we arrived here in West Haven July 29th. We're leaving here on June 28th, so we'll miss our four year anniversary by just a month. (Darn!)
Anyway, so I thought I'd take the time to clear up some confusion. No, I'm not from Georgia, but I do consider it "home". For one thing, I'm a military brat, or was, I guess I should say. My childhood consisted of several moves that went like this: Washington State-Missouri-England-Germany-Texas-Georgia. I was seventeen when we moved to Georgia. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't see what all the fuss was about. But it didn't take me long before I grew to love it there. It was in Georgia that my parents bought their first house (yes, when I was seventeen!) we spent the first few months painting every wall in the house just because we could! It was in Georgia that I started cosmetology school and basically had the time of my life. (I know other people go to college blah blah blah, I went to "beauty school" and got my hair colored every Monday.) And it was in Georgia that I met a certain Georgia boy who pretty much swept me off my feet faster than you can blink. In Georgia I said "I do". In Georgia I gave birth to my first baby.
So yeah, Georgia is pretty much home.

We moved around a little our first year of marriage, but eventually settled in Athens for Matthew to attend grad school. The above picture was taken in June of 2006, the day we moved into campus housing. (HI, is it just me or do we look like we were teenage parents or what?)
We left Athens in July of 2009 to come here, but we have always missed it!
It's been a good four years up here. It hasn't been easy, but it's been good. Sophia was born here, of course, and I can honestly say that was the brightest spot in the past four years. And we've kept some traditions alive.
It doesn't hurt either that we'll now be within close driving distance of my family down in Florida! So in a few weeks, say four or five, I hope to be right here...

Only with Matthew for once! (Last summer he'd already taken two weeks off to go to Israel, so he didn't get to come to Florida with me and the kids!)