Anywho, like I said, I learned a lot about my own style. I tend to think of my style as classic with a little bit of trendy thrown in. But after this challenge I'm starting to think I'm a little boring. So maybe I need to live it up a little. Which I thoroughly intend to do. So that's my fashion goal for now, have more fun with my wardrobe!
And on to the last round of pictures!

Last Sunday. This must have been a good outfit because I wore it in the grocery store with Elijah and I got asked if he was my little brother! Before this challenge I probably would have worn black or white under the cardigan, and I would have never put a coral tank with a teal belt.

Not not my favorite. Hair is bad (it was so humid all week and I could never find time to straighten it.) I only wore this purple vest once the entire challenge, it wasn't very versatile.

Enter my two favorite things to wear, Toms and chambray!

So hot the day I took this picture (we don't have a/c).

Last day!!
And lookie, I actually went to some effort to put together a collage of all my lackluster looks! Go me.

Yeah those last few pics are so crooked! Whoops!
Anyway, I had a chance to already test out my new fashion outlook because the girls of my Bible study gave me a Kohls gift card as thanks for organizing our study this year. Of course you know, and they know, that Kohls is my favorite store! I went shopping yesterday and picked these up!
CUTE! And satisfies my urge for mint skinnies. For one, I have enough skinnies. Two I'm moving to Georgia and will soon be living in shorts. My instincts were to get something white to go with it, but I got this instead.
And I already thought of about five or six other shirts I could wear with those shorts!
Sadly, I don't think I will be participating in the next challenge in August because of all our moving stuff. But I'll be following those who are!