Two months ago the jobs search for Matthew really heated up. Meaning, he was interviewing a lot. A few weeks after that the kids and I started passing around a cold, and then he finally got the job offer and we've been focused on moving details ever since. So it's been two months since I had a full nights' sleep. Seriously! First it was anxiety not knowing what the future held. Then it was sick kids. Then I was sick myself. Now it's a lovely combination of excitement and stress from all the work that moving entails.
Two months ago I was already feeling like there wasn't enough hours in the day and I was having a hard time getting in all the extra little things I like to do. You know, writing, working out...err...showering. It's gotten even harder in the past few weeks. I'm supposed to be doing a workout challenge where you do 100 workouts in 100 days. You can imagine how well that's going now! Okay today is day 73 and I'm at 62 not counting today's workout (if I fit it in.) Not too bad.
It seriously hasn't even been two week since Matthew got the job, but feels like much longer. We've already leased an apartment down in Georgia, given our landlords and Matthew's job notices. Last week, as soon as Sophia's birthday party was over I started "purging" our house. So far I've thrown away so much junk it's insane. I have a few other things to get rid of still. Someone is coming over today to pick up a bunch of baby items that have been in the basement since Sophia outgrew them. I'm happy to pass them on!
Oh hi...ramble...
It's hot here too! That icky sticky New England hot. And yes I'm aware that it's much hotter in Georgia. I have lived in the south since I was twelve! But we only have one teeny A/C unit here, and it's not even installed yet. So there...
So, in summation, or maybe not: I'd like more sleep, please and thank you....

I really, really need this.
Also: Moving is stressful, but I'm so happy to be moving home to Georgia!

Need this too!
And finally: Maybe there's still time in the summer for a little of this (hopefully with my husband this time!)