The conversation went like this, "So Mrs. Hopper, are you still unemployed?"
Me, "Um, well, no I'm not unemployed "
Her, "So you have job? Where do you work?"
Me, "Oh, well, I'm a stay-at-home mom and I homeschool."
Her, after a pause, "So you are unemployed?"
Me, after a longer pause and a sigh or two, "Yeah, I'm unemployed."
Anyway! So here's what a an unemployed person wears every week, in case you were wondering!

This was Thursday, I think I was running errands that afternoon, thus the casual outfit. Oh and I initially thought I would do all my photos outdoors, but decided I was too lazy and also leery of people driving by thinking I was cray-cray with my seven year old taking pics of his mommy's shoes. Also my hair is hideous here. Yay. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge jewelry person. But in this pic, you can just barely see it, I'm wearing my all-time favorite piece A hand-stamped bracelet my husband got me for Christmas last year. You can see it better here.

Friday evening was spent at the ballfields watching Elijah's little leauge game. It's still pretty chilly in the evenings here, so I wore my jacket. One of my favorite necklaces from Charming Charlies (via my mom!). Hair is much better here, after I

Saturday we went hiking, and celebrated Matthew's graduation. Oh yeah, I colored my hair RED. Much, much, much better.
My forehead is orange, I know.

Sunday we went to church, as usual. Most of the time I like to wear a skirt or a dress, but I was teaching children's chapel and figured pants would be better. Oh and how do you like my stylish little buddy? You can't see my necklace well in this pic, but it's one I made about a year ago. You can see it here.

Monday I was supposed to go to Elijah's baseball game, but ended up staying home to bake for a brunch the following day. Yeah, I don't usually dress like this while baking! Sophia photo bombed again!

Tuesday was a ladies brunch at church. I forgot to take pics before I went, so I'm super wrinkled and a little disheveled here. I hosted so I had to clean up afterwards. Also, I confess whenI ran errands later and traded out the wedges for my red Toms.
Okay, so that's all! Here are a few things I learned this week!
- It's really not a big deal to "dress up" even if I'm not leaving the house. It's totally worth it just to feel cute. And after a few days my kids finally stopped asking where we were going after seeing me in "real" clothes.
- I don't wear prints, apparently.
- My favorite red lipstick totally clashes with my new red hair!
- I like belts!