So here we go!

Hi, totally NOT my best look, but hear me out. This was this past Monday. Why am I grinning like a fool? OH, because my husband got offered a fantastic job in our home state. I was just bumming around the house cleaning, teaching, mommy-ing as usual and didn't feel much like dressing up, but wanted to capture the excitement in our house that dad. Accessorized by my lovely pink iPod.

Last Tuesday we went out to dinner (something we never do) to celebrate Matthew's new job and graduation from Yale. It was so much fun to get all dressed up, eat a nice meal and talk about our very bright future ahead! Again, goofy goofy smile because I was (and am) just so darn happy! PS I love this outfit. Love it!

Wednesday was my daughter's third birthday. She loves all things girly and pink, so I decided to dress girly and pink too. And yes, I cheated again. In my defense, I have only added three items to my thirty and I counted my shoes which not everyone did. And if you go look at the pics from Sophia's party on the family blog over there >>>> You might notice a little in, we totally wore matching outfits on her birthday.

For the first time in this challenge, I totally skipped a day! Thursday I basically never got out of my workout clothes. During the week we picked our move-out date and started looking for new apartments. Being the planner that I am, I also started packing. The above pic was taken Friday. I packed all day then too, but actually managed to put on some normal clothes.

Saturday... ugh. Let me preface by saying it was windy, rainy and COLD this past Saturday and this pic was taken after running errands in it. And as you can see, my background is quickly deteriorating as my husband starts to pack it away little by little. Boo!
So that's it for week four, only one more to go. I'm not off to a great start, as I had a super cute outfit on at church on Sunday but forgot to take my picture. I guess I'll have to throw it on again.
What did I learn this week?
- Not putting shorts in my thirty items was spot-on. It was in the forties and fifties on Saturday.
- Someone should probably take away my chambray blouse, my red toms, oh and my white tee.