Busy weekend around here. I finally got some forward motion achieved with my second book. Sadly, I had to hire a new cover artist because my original artist is buried with her real job. But I'm happy with my choice and I'm looking forward to seeing what my new designer comes up with when she sends me the first draft of my cover later today. Yes, today! I'm beyond excited.
Because Finding Sanctuary is now completely wrapped up, besides the actual publishing part, I decided to sort out my massive stack of legal pads and archive all the ones labeled "FS". My "archives" consist of one of those large rubbermaid tubs under my bed. While I was putting the new ones in I decided to stack up all the notebooks I've used so far on this trilogy and count them.

I think the final count was like, twenty-five or so. And book three is not even done yet. Though, honestly, I spend much less time writing longhand these days. Sometimes I go straight to the computer. I just don't have time to write by hand for three hours every day anymore! It's crazy to think that I started all of this when Sophia was just a tiny baby! I was showing Matthew how I had color coordinated my tabs. Green is London Escape, pink is Finding Sanctuary and orange is book three, currently the working title is Final Redemption. He asked me how on earth I made head or tails out of all that, and I just laughed. Sometimes I don't! Half the time I can't even read my own writing. But all of it's in my head, so I'm not too worried.
I'm really looking forward to publishing Finding Sanctuary. Well, that's a bit of an understatement at this point! I feel like I wrote London Escape for the purpose of being published, while Finding Sanctuary was totally for me and my readers. All five of them. So I hope they enjoy it. ;)
(An offhand note about music. If you listened to any of these songs so far, you might notice that I have completely random, and sometimes terrible taste in music! Lately I've been listening a ton to The Fray, Lifehouse, and Linkin Park, as most of those are on my "book soundtrack" for Finding Sanctuary. But I obviously have a serious thing for classic rock, too. I have my dad to thank for that. I literally grew up with Aerosmith, the Stones, Led Zepplin, and Pink Floyd. To this very day "Learning to Fly" is one of my all time favorite songs.)