Friday, April 1, 2011

Good riddance...

to this week, this cold and most of all, this weather! Though none of these things, besides the week, are guaranteed to be gone by tomorrow. I'm tired of being sick. This has never really developed into a full-blown, wicked cold or anything, but I have enough lingering symptoms to just not feel good the majority of my day. I'm waking up in the morning congested with a scratchy throat. No fun! Sophia seems the same as me, only she has a much harder time sleeping than I do. This morning she woke up at six, completely stopped up and unable to sleep, but wanting so badly to do so. She wallowed around in bed with me for an hour before we both finally dozed off again. Elijah, like I said, is completely back to normal and wearing me out! School hasn't been the greatest this week, we've just barely managed to get through, but at least we've done it! So yeah, this week can be over already! I ran to the grocery store yesterday to get some milk and realized it was the first time I had left the house since Saturday! As far as the weather goes, well, I don't really want to talk about it! At least we're not getting a bunch of snow, but it is rainy and gross and cold out. Still! It's April! I made the mistake of looking at next week's forecast and it is almost all rain. Lovely. I actually don't mind the rain too much, it's the cold I'm sick and tired of. Let's see, anything else I can complain about? I guess not. Oh hey, I'm nearly finished with the outline for my second book. I think I'm up to chapter fourteen now. But I'm having a little trouble, you guessed it, with the ending! Jeez, what is my problem with finishing projects? I really, really need to just sit down and write my ending for my first one and be done (besides all the editing). Maybe I'm not ready to be done just yet? Do I have some sort of ending-phobia going on? I can't tell. Something is holding me back. Although maybe it's just the lack of good writing time. You know, a chance to sit down and be completely focused and write. That's what I need to be able to finish strong. And well, that would be kind of hard to come by these days. Grrrr. Someone needs come take my kids for a weekend so I can finish my book! Anyone, anyone? Also, if I could go sit on a beach for a day or two I'm pretty sure I would be able to get a lot done. Anyone? Mom?! I guess I might have to wait on that one. Until then I should just do it, right? Just finish it! I keep trying to tell myself that's it okay if the first draft sucks, it can always be revised. But at this point I think I'm on my fourth draft, which is a bad sign. UGH! Okay, that was a bit of a rambling post, wasn't it? Sorry, that's how my mind works. (Oh and Blogger is insisting on cramming all my paragraphs together into one long, rambling lump which is really irritating me right now!)